Sunday, 29 April 2007

A Little Bit About The Havanese

The Havanese is a shaggy little dog of ancient European lineage. The ancient Havanese breing has common ancestors with him Barbichon, Bichon and Maltese. It is felt him Havanese probably traveling with .

The Worst Weight Loss Strategy Ever?

The word "diet" conjures up images of depriving oneself of him foods one likes or more extreme visions of starving oneself pop up. However, a clinically proven and a nutritious well-balancing d.

Hello everyone!!

Hello everyone !

Here is my e-portfolio : It contains some informations about me and my
skills in French of course !

First I introduce briefly myself : My name is Roman Galetta and I'm a
first year computer sudent of the ENSEEIHT (National Polytechnic
Institute of Engineering in Electrotechnology, Electronics, Computer
Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunication).